Construction of the Latin American Archetypal Pedagogy Grammar of the 19th century: Hermeneutic Anthropology of Self-taught Knowledge, 1810 – 1830
State, Legal Hermeneutics, Latin American Society, Deontics, Constitutional GuaranteeAbstract
The present Investigation has as its substantive purpose the study of constitutional guarantees, to ensure the effective protection of fundamental rights and equality before the law of all citizens, in addition to safeguarding the effective control of State power by citizens. Said dense work is based on the idea that the law must be an instrument to guarantee fundamental rights because it considers that these rights are essential for human dignity and for peaceful and just coexistence in a democratic society, it is; attached to the theme: political and legal sciences, international politics, its substantive purpose is to carry out an ethnohistorical reflection on the profile of the State as a diplomatic, guaranteeing, jurisdictional entity in relation to other figures that, in the regional and international arena, have as an objective, the protection of people. In the same way, a review of the postulates of Ferrajoli is made, as well as the importance of the jurisdictional guarantee as a means to protect the fundamental rights of people against state power, which has had a great influence on the way in which understands the role of courts and justice in democratic societies We will do this reflective analysis hand in hand with documentary ethnohistory and having as a context of interpretation, understanding and explanation the hermeneutic space of legal epochal knowledge and how it was thought and put into practice by that society whose impact still resonates in the culture of Latin America today.
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