Anthropology of Latin American Sustainable Knowledge: postulates of Capra, Maturana and Sen


  • Danny Francis Gómez Romero Asesor Jurídico Cancillería G. R. COPIAF. ULAC, UNIVERSITY JOHNSON & WALES. Docente: Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL) y Universidad Privada José Antonio Páez (UJAP), Región Central de Venezuela, Venezuela.


Anthopology, Biolaw, Latin American Society, Symbolic hermeneutics, Human Development


The purpose of this Research is the study of sustainable human development, to ensure the effective protection of fundamental rights and equality before the law of all citizens and their protection of the environment. This reflection is based on the ethnohistorical approach to capabilities: developed by Capra, Maturana and Sen (1990), these paradigms propose that development should focus on the expansion of individual capabilities; assigned to the theme: perspective of sustainable human development in the knowledge society, its substantive purpose is to carry out an archetypal archaeological reflection of the profile that the being has as a diplomatic, guaranteeing, jurisdictional entity in relation to other figures that, in the regional and International, its objective is the protection of people, the environment and the new understanding of life. Likewise, a review is made of the postulates of Capra, Maturana and Sen as well as the importance of jurisdictional guarantee as a means to protect the fundamental rights of people against state power, which has had a great influence on the way in which the role of courts and justice in democratic societies is understood and how this was thought and put into practice by that society whose impact still resonates in the sustainable archetypal culture of Latin America.


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How to Cite

Gómez Romero, D. F. (2023). Anthropology of Latin American Sustainable Knowledge: postulates of Capra, Maturana and Sen. Multidisciplinary &Amp; Health Education Journal, 5(3), 657–665. Retrieved from




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