Pedagogical Hermeneutic Anthropology: The teaching problem, conflict and teacher unrest, the salary issue, incentive systems and the meanings of Latin American professionalization


  • Danny Francis Gómez Romero Asesor Jurídico Cancillería G. R. COPIAF. ULAC, UNIVERSITY JOHNSON & WALES. Docente: Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL) y Universidad Privada José Antonio Páez (UJAP), Región Central de Venezuela, Venezuela.
  • Andrés Eloy Golindano García Asesor Jurídico Cancillería G. R. COPIAF. ULAC, UNIVERSITY JOHNSON & WALES. Docente: Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL) y Universidad Privada José Antonio Páez (UJAP), Región Central de Venezuela, Venezuela.


conflict, hermeneutics, problems, education, pedagogy


A reflection is presented on the epistemic positions of prominent authors who emphasize what the teaching problem is, which covers several aspects, including the conflict and discomfort that teachers experience in their work. Regarding the objective of this reflection, it is of an academic, pedagogical and educational nature, it is essential to recognize the central role that teachers play in the teaching and learning process. They are responsible for guiding and motivating students, promoting their comprehensive development and facilitating their acquisition of knowledge and skills. From the hermeneutic paradigm, which is an interpretive and comprehensive approach used in the human and social sciences to understand the meaning and interpretation of texts, discourses and cultural expressions. It is based on the ontological pillars of understanding, interpretation and dialogue to reveal deep understanding of the phenomena studied. In general terms, the possible results are that it is necessary to consider different perspectives and approaches, as well as have policies and measures that promote adequate working conditions and the recognition and appreciation of teaching work. This teaching problem in Latin America has been characterized by various factors that contribute to conflict and unrest among education professionals. One of the main problems is the salary issue, the performance of which seems decisive, facing this situation: it is the goal.


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How to Cite

Gómez Romero, D. F., & Golindano García, A. E. . (2024). Pedagogical Hermeneutic Anthropology: The teaching problem, conflict and teacher unrest, the salary issue, incentive systems and the meanings of Latin American professionalization. Multidisciplinary &Amp; Health Education Journal, 6(1), 1096–1102. Retrieved from

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