Ethnohistory and Hermeneutics of the Problem of Equity. Access, coverage and extension of schooling


  • Danny Francis Gómez Romero Asesor Jurídico Cancillería G. R. COPIAF. ULAC, UNIVERSITY JOHNSON & WALES. Docente: Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL) y Universidad Privada José Antonio Páez (UJAP), Región Central de Venezuela, Venezuela.
  • Andrés Eloy Golindano García Asesor Jurídico Cancillería G. R. COPIAF. ULAC, UNIVERSITY JOHNSON & WALES. Docente: Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL) y Universidad Privada José Antonio Páez (UJAP), Región Central de Venezuela, Venezuela.


equity, Symbolic hermeneutics, daily life, education, Ethnohistory


Below is a reflection that has to do with the problem of equity, access, coverage and extension of schooling, which is of great philosophical and educational importance because it is related to equal opportunities and the right to education for all individuals in a society. to the educational reforms and problems of the 21st century, as well as some theoretical references that can provide greater depth in each topic, whose substantive purpose is to carry out an Ethnohistory and hermeneutics of the problems of equity, access, coverage and extension of schooling, In order to determine the ontological foundations while implementing new pedagogical methodologies, we have sought to transform traditional teaching methods to adapt to the needs of contemporary students. From the sociocritical paradigm, discourse analysis, symbolic hermeneutics, archetypal Swiss psychology, history and transcomplexity, an exhaustive analysis of the bases that served as the foundation for the enlightened thought of the 18th and 21st centuries in Latin America will be carried out. This approach is based on the application of active, collaborative and meaningful learning strategies, using technological resources and promoting critical thinking and problem solving. Education is one of the fundamental pillars for the development of a society. The problem was based on improving the quality and equity of education, adapting the contents to the needs of today's world, promoting inclusion and guaranteeing access to quality education for all. Teacher training and demands of the profession: Changes in society and in pedagogical methodologies require updated and quality teacher training. In general terms, educational reforms in the 21st century are of vital importance to address problems such as inequality, lack of relevance, lack of access to technology and lack of motivation. These transformations seek to improve educational quality and equity, promoting an education that prepares students for the challenges of the 21st century. The importance of these sources lies in their scientific rigor and their contribution to the educational and hermeneutical debate, providing evidence and informed analysis for decision-making in this area.


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How to Cite

Gómez Romero, D. F., & Golindano García, A. E. . (2024). Ethnohistory and Hermeneutics of the Problem of Equity. Access, coverage and extension of schooling. Multidisciplinary &Amp; Health Education Journal, 6(1), 1127–1133. Retrieved from

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