Leadership tactics to address the mental health of high school students in the virtual post-pandemic era
Educational Leadership, Virtuality, Pandemic, Mental HealthAbstract
The virtual post-pandemic era has posed significant challenges in the educational field, and one of the most critical aspects is the mental well-being of secondary school students. For this reason, leadership in this context becomes essential, since educators and school administrators they must adopt effective strategies to address the concerns and emotional needs of young people who have experienced an abrupt transition to online education. This article explores key leadership tactics that can help address student mental health in the virtual post-pandemic era. These tactics are not only critical to student well-being, but also contribute to creating an educational environment. In which they can prosper academically and develop comprehensively. In an increasingly digital and connected world, leadership in education is not simply limited to the management of academic processes, but involves a deep understanding of the emotional and social needs of students, the global health crisis has accentuated the importance of this dimension of educational leadership, as young people face emotional challenges such as isolation, anxiety and virtual fatigue, school leaders who take a proactive approach to caring for students' mental health can make a significant difference in their lives and in the quality of the education they receive.
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