Sepsis: usefulness of the qSOFA, qSOFA-65 and MqSOFA scores as predictors of morbidity and mortality
Sepsis, Sepsis scores, qSOFA, qSOFA-65, SOFA, MSOFAAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the usefulness of the qSOFA, qSOFA-65 and MqSOFA scores, as predictors of morbidity and mortality in patients admitted to the Internal Medicine service of the Domingo Luciani Hospital, between May 2022-August 2023. Methods: prospective, observational, analytical, longitudinal cohort study. 190 patients diagnosed with sepsis by qsofa score, were studied. The data were analyzed with SPSS27. Pearson's chi-square was used for the relationship between variables. The prognostic utility of the scores was determined with the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) using the DeLong methodology. Statistical significance was considered if p < 0.05. Results: The average age was 64 ± 16 years, 51.6% male and 7.9 days, the evolution of the disease upon admission. The mixed infectious focus made up 59.3%, with urinary predominating (33.4%). Complications occurred in 84.21% and mortality in 55.78%. Neither score predicted complications. MqSOFA predicted better mortality compared to qSOFA and qSOFA-65 (p = 0.004 and p = 0.001) AUC of 0.740 (95% CI = 0.671 – 0.801), as well as the items Sat/FiO2 < 235 and Glasgow < 13 (AUC 0.673 and 0.616 respectively, p < 0.001) Conclusions: The MqSOFA performed on admission was the best predictor of mortality.
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