Evidence-Based Psychology and Psychological Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


  • Maria José Tapias Ricardo Universidad Pontificia bolivariana Medellín, Colombia.
  • Adriana Rendon David Universidad Pontificia bolivariana Medellín, Colombia.


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Evidence-Based Psycology, Therapy Exposure, Response Prevention


This article shows a single case intervention in a patient with a diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder in comorbidity with panic attack. For the treatment, therapies with empirical evidence were implemented. In the evaluation phase, the clinical interview, ISRA Miguel and Cano, Y-BOCS Goodman's and STAI of Spielberger, Gorsuch and Lushene were used. Once proposed intervention objectives are applied cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy and prevention of response. The intervention was developed in 22 sessions, using techniques of psychoeducation, exposure, cognitive restructuring and breathing. At the end of the treatment, the intrusions and compulsions were reduced considerably, as well as the recognition of physiological responses predating panic attacks. These results are proportional to the available scientific evidence that supports the high levels of effectiveness of these therapies for the intervention of these disorders.


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How to Cite

Tapias Ricardo , M. J. ., & Rendon David, A. . (2023). Evidence-Based Psychology and Psychological Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Multidisciplinary &Amp; Health Education Journal, 5(3), 582–601. Retrieved from http://journalmhe.org/ojs3/index.php/jmhe/article/view/86

