Silent enemy of health: review of the health effects of exposure to benzene


  • Johanna García Universidad de Carabobo, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Laboratorio de Metales Pesados y Solventes Orgánicos, Centro de Estudio en salud de los Trabajadores (CEST-UC), Venezuela
  • Daniel Florentino Universidad de Carabobo, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Laboratorio de Metales Pesados y Solventes Orgánicos, Centro de Estudio en salud de los Trabajadores (CEST-UC), Venezuela
  • Bibi Nazila Ali Universidad de Carabobo, Laboratorio de Metales Pesados y Solventes Orgánicos, Centro de Estudio en salud de los Trabajadores (CEST-UC), Venezuela
  • Franklin Jesús Pacheco Coello Universidad de Carabobo, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas “Dr. Francisco Triana Alonso” (Biomed), Sección de Bioquímica Farmacológica, Laboratorio de Metales Pesados y Solventes Orgánicos, Centro de Estudio en salud de los Trabajadores (CEST-UC), Venezuela


Benzene, Metabolite, Toxicity, Occupacional exposure


Benzene is a monoaromatic hydrocarbon whose physicochemical characteristics give it the ability to easily dissolve and disperse a large number of compounds; it is also used as an additive to increase the octane rating of gasoline, and part of it is emitted into the atmosphere through combustion. Inhalation and dermal contact constitute the main routes of exposure to benzene, where it is distributed especially to the bone marrow, liver, kidney, brain and adipose tissue, causing toxic effects in these tissues. Anemia is one of the first disorders to appear, caused by a decrease in the production of red blood cells and the development of acute myeloid leukemia due to chronic exposure. At service stations it is common to observe the use of gasoline without adequate protection by workers, therefore, it is important to carry out frequent evaluations of exposed personnel, in order to take measures to preserve their health. This review shows the main scientific findings of various researchers around the world who have tried to alert and raise awareness among the population of all the health effects that overexposure to this organic solvent can cause.


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How to Cite

García, J. ., Florentino, D. ., Ali, B. N. ., & Pacheco Coello , F. J. . (2023). Silent enemy of health: review of the health effects of exposure to benzene. Multidisciplinary &Amp; Health Education Journal, 5(3), 546–555. Retrieved from

