Development of interpretive competence through the integration of RED that stimulates Multiple Intelligences in the fourth grade of the Children's Psychopedagogical Unit of Girón


  • Leydi Yaned Suarez Caicedo Unidad Psicopedagógica Infantil, Girón-Colombia.


Reading, Reading comprehension, Interpretative competence, Multiple intelligences, Digital tools


The textual interpretation processes that are developed in the fourth grade of IE Children's Psychopedagogical Unit of the municipality of Giron demonstrate the need to strengthen interpretive competence through the integration of RED that stimulate the multiple intelligences of fourth grade students. In response, a research design is developed from a mixed approach with a descriptive scope and a nature of participation and action, which is structured in 4 methodological phases: diagnostics, design, implementation and evaluation of the pedagogical proposal where the benefits that students perceive with the digital tools for the development of interpretive competence are evaluated to strengthen their formative process. According to the chi-square independence test to examine the relationship between the performance level of interpretive competence between the pretest and postest tests was established a chi-square statistic is 16,092, with the value p is 0.00006 and significant in p < 0.05. It is therefore concluded that the null hypothesis HO is rejected. In this way, pedagogical intervention to stimulate multiple intelligences with the integration of RED strengthens the interpretive competence of students.


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How to Cite

Suarez Caicedo, L. Y. . (2023). Development of interpretive competence through the integration of RED that stimulates Multiple Intelligences in the fourth grade of the Children’s Psychopedagogical Unit of Girón. Multidisciplinary &Amp; Health Education Journal, 5(3), 459–477. Retrieved from

