Standardization of an efficient technique for the reporting of CFU / mL in urine samples with bacterial cell cytolysis


  • Isaías Rodríguez-Jacobo Bio-Technological Development Division, Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara
  • Francisco Javier Galindo-López Bio-Technological Development Division, Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara
  • Jorge Aguirre-García Bio-Technological Development Division, Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara
  • Claudia Luz Navarro-Villarruel Bio-Technological Development Division, Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara
  • Ma. Carmen Castro-Almanza Bio-Technological Development Division, Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara
  • Arnulfo Ramón Eufrasio-Maciel Bio-Technological Development Division, Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara
  • J. Jesus Padilla-Frausto Bio-Technological Development Division, Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara


Bacterial cell cytolysis, Chemical and mechanical lysis, Low frequency ultrasound


Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in women due to the anatomy of the urethra and its proximity to the anus.1 Bacterial cell cytolysis (BCC) describes the entry of bacteria into the cells of the UTIs. The most frequent BCC is by Gram-negative bacilli, colonizing, adhering and penetrating cells of the urinary tract. BCC is not considered in the CFU / mL count in urine culture using the conventional procedure. The drawback of the technique is that after BCC an innumerable number of bacteria can be located in a single cell and since the release of intracellular bacteria is not promoted, only a single CFU is quantified and not the real set that remains inside the cell. Such under-notification is significant given that the decision to offer an antimicrobial treatment to the patient depends on the count. This study aims to standardize an efficient technique for reporting CFU / mL in urine samples with BCC. Urine sample was collected. Urochemical profile, urinalysis, cytopathology and a plate count were performed to define the initial amount of bacteria, for later comparison against the post-treatment cell lysis bacterial count. To demonstrate the best cell lysis treatment: a randomized 3x2x3x2 full factorial design was used, in triplicate, whose factors were: Lysis method (Vortex®, Low frequency ultrasound (LFU) and Chemical Buffer), speed and time of exposure, and finally material of the sample container (glass or plastic). The technique that generated the greatest recovery and that reduced the quantification error was; LFU of the sample contained in glass, for 30s. However, regardless of the lysis technique, the use of only one substantially improves (63-734%) the bacterial bacillary recovery of urine samples with bacterial cell cytolysis.

Author Biographies

Isaías Rodríguez-Jacobo, Bio-Technological Development Division, Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara

Graduated from the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacobiologist Chemistry from the Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara.


Francisco Javier Galindo-López, Bio-Technological Development Division, Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara

Graduated from the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacobiologist Chemistry from the Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara.

Jorge Aguirre-García, Bio-Technological Development Division, Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara

Graduated from the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacobiologist Chemistry from the Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara.

Claudia Luz Navarro-Villarruel, Bio-Technological Development Division, Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara

Professor and Researcher at the Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara

Ma. Carmen Castro-Almanza, Bio-Technological Development Division, Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara

Professor and Researcher at the Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara

Arnulfo Ramón Eufrasio-Maciel, Bio-Technological Development Division, Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara

Head of the Laboratory of Medical Sciences, Centro Universitario de la Ciénega

J. Jesus Padilla-Frausto, Bio-Technological Development Division, Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara

Professor and Researcher at the Ciénega University Center, University of Guadalajara


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Jacobo, I., Galindo-López, F. J., Aguirre-García, J., Navarro-Villarruel, C. L., Castro-Almanza, M. C., Eufrasio-Maciel, A. R., & Padilla-Frausto, J. J. (2020). Standardization of an efficient technique for the reporting of CFU / mL in urine samples with bacterial cell cytolysis. Multidisciplinary &Amp; Health Education Journal, 2(1), 30–34. Retrieved from




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