Therapeutic potential of the genus Hibiscus: An in vitro analysis of the biological activity of aqueous extracts of five species


  • Haydimar Páez Universidad de Carabobo, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Laboratorio de Metales Pesados y Solventes Orgánicos, Centro de Estudio en salud de los Trabajadores (CEST-UC), Venezuela
  • Franklin Jesús Pacheco Coello Universidad de Carabobo, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas “Dr. Francisco Triana Alonso” (Biomed), Sección de Bioquímica Farmacológica, Laboratorio de Metales Pesados y Solventes Orgánicos, Centro de Estudio en salud de los Trabajadores (CEST-UC), Venezuela


Flavonoids, Medicinal Plants, Antioxidant, Biologucal Activity


Introduction: Among the plant genera that have been studied for their medicinal use is the genus Hibiscus spp., belonging to the Malvaceae family, which are shrubs or trees, and less frequently herbs. Of this genus, the most representative and studied species is Hibiscus sabdariffa, also known in various parts of the world as Jamaica rose, Abyssinian rose or Jamaica flower. Objective: considering the importance of this genus in traditional medicine, the objective was to characterize and evaluate the antioxidant potential by a chemical and a biological method, of aqueous extracts of five species of the Hibiscus genus. Materials and methods: The extracts were prepared using calyxes of H. sabdariffa and dehydrated petals of the species, H. rosa-sinensis, H. arnottianus, H. cannabinus and H. mutabilis. UV/Visible characterization was carried out and the antioxidant activity was determined by the DPPH method and by the Inhibition of the hemolytic effect of two xenobiotics (hydrogen peroxide and calcium carbonate). Results: The tests evaluating the antihemolytic activity of the extracts showed that the species H. sabdariffa and H. cannabinus presented greater protection when used diluted 1/4 and 1/8, with a statistical difference (**p<0. 05) with respect to the hemolysis control constituted by H2O2. In relation to the antihemolytic effect in the presence of CaCO3, a similar behavior was observed for the H. sabdariffa and H. cannabinus species. For H. rosa-sinensis there was a decrease in hemolysis in the last two dilutions of the extract. Conclusion: although plants contribute and inspire science, it is vital to inform the general population of the possible toxic effects of these plants and their correct use.


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How to Cite

Páez , H. ., & Pacheco Coello, F. J. . (2023). Therapeutic potential of the genus Hibiscus: An in vitro analysis of the biological activity of aqueous extracts of five species. Multidisciplinary &Amp; Health Education Journal, 5(3), 389–400. Retrieved from

