Three-Dimensional Theory of Law. An epistemic, axiological and functional approach in the context of the democratic and Social State of Law and Justice


  • Yonankary Maldonado Briceño Abogado. ULAC Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe, Venezuela


legal hermeneutics, Justice, law, Democratic State, Three-dimensional Theory


In this essay, the three-dimensional theory of law proposed by the author Reale will be analyzed, which shows a more understandable vision of the elements that make up the law, this arises through the relationship between the science of law, legal sociology and philosophy of law, it can be presented in an analogous way as fact, value and norm, which constitutes an essential relationship in law. From an epistemic, axiological and functional approach in the context of the democratic and social State of law and justice. Legal hermeneutic anthropology is a theoretical approach that seeks to understand law through the interpretation of symbols and meanings. This approach has been used in a variety of fields, including legal theory, jurisprudence, and legal philosophy. Legal hermeneutic anthropology is a valuable tool to understand the regional system of protection of human rights. This method can help understand the values and principles that underpin the system, the mechanisms and procedures that make up the system, and the decisions and rulings issued by the system's bodies. Likewise, the trilingual perspective that has been used in this essay allows us to understand the regional system of protection of human rights from a broader and plural perspective. This perspective strengthens and contributes to promoting a better understanding and application of human rights in the region.


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How to Cite

Maldonado Briceño, Y. . (2024). Three-Dimensional Theory of Law. An epistemic, axiological and functional approach in the context of the democratic and Social State of Law and Justice. Multidisciplinary &Amp; Health Education Journal, 6(1), 1134–1142. Retrieved from