Almost Human Machines: A small line between Artificial Intelligence and Robotics


  • Saulo-Enrique Ospino Pereira Red Latinoamericana de Estudios e Investigación de Derechos Humanos y Humanitario/Corresponsalía España – Barcelona, España.


social impact, automation, ethics in AI, machine learning, robotics, Artificial intelligence (AI)


This research aims to introduce participants to the foundations, applications and challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, addressing relevant concepts, historical evolution, the impact on various sectors and its ethical and moral implications. A series of methodologies have been combined such as netnographic, exploratory and descriptive. The netnographic, investigated what happens in virtual communities. Exploratory research to find out about relatively new topics, providing an overview and their implications in the environment. Descriptive research to analyze and show in detail the fundamental aspects of the object of study, as well as the ethical and moral challenges around AI and robotics. This research has been based on thematic axes such as the Fundamentals of AI and Robotics: Definitions, history and current relevance, Transformative Potential: Impact on industrial, labor and innovation sectors, Challenges and Ethics: Ethical considerations and regulatory challenges, Applications and Case Studies: Current and future examples, Student Role: Academic and professional opportunities. The aim is for participants to acquire a real understanding of AI and robotics today, reflecting on the pros and cons of these tools and exploring in a panoramic way the future potential of these technologies, encouraging them to acquire the necessary skills through constant and innovative training to adapt to the world that awaits them.


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How to Cite

Ospino Pereira, S.-E. . (2024). Almost Human Machines: A small line between Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Multidisciplinary &Amp; Health Education Journal, 6(1), 1016–1041. Retrieved from