Lived Experiences of Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and Self-Care Needs
women, survivors, Intimate partner violenceAbstract
Introduction: Intimate partner violence is a social and public health problem most noted in the world, because it directly affects women who are victims of these abuses caused by men, where their rights to freedom are violated. to decide and be happy, in addition to the different consequences on their physical and mental health that can affect self-care skills and self-care needs. Objective: To analyze the lived experience of women survivors of intimate partner violence treated at the Santas Vainas Health Center. Material and method: This research has a qualitative approach, phenomenological in nature, where the sample was made up of 9 women who accepted their voluntary participation in the development of the study, applying the semi-structured interview technique and the application of a focus group. Which allowed the participants to share their experiences in the best way. Results: Most of the participants began to experience violence at an early age, with Psychological and Physical violence being the most frequent among them, expressed through insults, humiliation, manipulations, kicks, slaps and even through blackmail economic and emotional. Conclusion: Types of intimate partner violence are a major social problem for Esmeralda women, because it denies women their rights to autonomy, dignity, and physical and psychological integrity, which is combined with special self-care requirements.
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