Neuropsicología de Pacientes en Programas de Diálisis Peritoneal


  • Datson Arias Universidad de Carabobo, Sede Aragua. Venezuela.
  • Valentina Balaustren Universidad de Carabobo, Sede Aragua. Venezuela.
  • Vanessa Bergolla Universidad de Carabobo, Sede Aragua. Venezuela.
  • María Laura Bermúdez Universidad de Carabobo, Sede Aragua. Venezuela.
  • Mariela Rasquin Universidad de Carabobo, Sede Aragua. Venezuela.
  • Oscar Sánchez Universidad de Carabobo, Sede Aragua. Venezuela.
  • Seyla Vita Universidad de Carabobo, Sede Aragua. Venezuela.


affectivity, cognitive impairment, chronic kidney disease, Peritoneal dialysis


Epidemiologically, it has been shown that individuals with CKD have a higher Risk of developing cognitive disorders, in addition to anxiety and depression. The objective is to explore the neuropsychological profile of patients with CKD stage G5 which are found in peritoneal dialysis programs. Materials and methods: It’s a clinical-epidemiological study, descriptive of the diagnostic type, observational and cross-selectional. It included 42 patients who attended the outpatient clinic of nephrology at the Central Hospital of Maracay and La Victoria Dialysis from March-June 2019. Results: Male patients, Graffar IV and from another municipalities outside Aragua state, the average age was 51, 21. The predominant comorbidity was HBP(71.43%) and the most frequent time of treatment in peritoneal dialysis was between 0-5 years, receiving it on a regular basis 88.1% of the patients. Among the cognitive functions, the MoCA-test determined greater alteration in attention(83.33%), visuospatial capacity(80.95%) and memory(92.86%); the INECO test throws bigger alteration in inverse stimulate (100%), visual work(97.62%), verbal abstraction (88.1%) and verbal inhibitory control(95.24%). Anxiety manifests mildly in 42.86% and sadness predominates moderately in 47.62% of patients. The alteration of MoCA related to mild anxiety (83,3%) and moderate sadness(90%); the alteration in the INECO associated to mild anxiety (94,4%) and moderate sadness (100%). Conclusion: Patients with CKD have cognitive affection, the executive control, focus change and self-regulation; the emotional stage is an influential variable in cognitive function.


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How to Cite

Arias , D., Balaustren , V., Bergolla , V., Bermúdez , M. L., Rasquin, M. ., Sánchez , O. ., & Vita , S. . (2024). Neuropsicología de Pacientes en Programas de Diálisis Peritoneal. Multidisciplinary &Amp; Health Education Journal, 6(1), 784–797. Retrieved from