The Oral Testimony of Waranga Culture in Learning in the Area of Language and Literature
literature, language, area, learning, waranga, culture, oral, TestimonyAbstract
The In our society, education, seen as a formal or informal process, constitutes the permanent opportunity for human beings to advance in their own formation and strengthening as social and individual actors. The participation of people in this social constructionist process gives them the opportunity to access various ways of facing the constantly renewed everyday life of their lives, that is, even when permanent learning is repeatedly referred to, education does not represent for itself an end. Culture, assumed as the tradition of meanings and meanings present in the contexts of life, is not only a matter of determination of personality by the environment, nor is it a matter of total and complete reflection and criticism of the individual on it, the relationship with others, it allows us to learn ways of acquiring elements of the context and making them our own, in the same way that the ability to carry out internal processes of evaluating options and courses of action is developed in such environments; For this reason, it is explainable that people living in similar environments form personalities and show divergent attitudes and emotions, but also that their actions take different courses when facing similar situations. Learning culture implies constant preparation and disposition, seen as a necessity, to resolve individual and collective life situations, which is why a concept of culture is taken into account here that recovers its symbolic and contextual character, that is: culture is the organization social meaning, internalized in a relatively stable way by subjects in the form of schemes or shared representations, and objectified in symbolic forms, all in historically specific and socially structured contexts. Living in the family, school, street, etc. is a process of collective construction, where both individuality and the collective are constituted, it is a communicative process, where it is usual for people to exchange opinions and certainties about certain aspects of life. world, who live accordingly and show evidence of them, the possibility of accessing the culture of the group or society is given by the same opportunity with which the interactions occur, sometimes completely intentional, and in others mediated by chance and immediacy of the environments, language has an important role here: language emerges in the life of the individual through a continuous exchange of meanings with other signifiers. A child creates, first his childhood language, then his mother tongue, in interaction with that small group of people that constitutes his significant group, in that sense, language is a product of the social process. A child who learns language at the same time learns other things through language, forming an image of the reality that is around him and inside him; During this process, which is also a social process, the construction of reality is inseparable from the construction of the semantic system in which reality is coded, in that sense language is a potential for shared meaning, at the same time both a part as a subjective interpretation of experience.
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